Welcome to Muslim Children Foundation
The Foundation You Can Trust
The Muslim Children Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to provide relief and assistance of vulnerable Muslim children, in need of proper care and Islamic education in England, who are the victims of war, natural disaster and social catastrophe.
Thousands of refugee children have arrived in the UK, under Government Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme (SVPRS) and others. These children need to be looked after and provided for, despite the government programs in place to do just that. There are currently more Muslim children looked after by the local authority than there are Muslim foster careers in England. Muslim children in England are from a diverse background. Like all children they deserve and have the right to be cared for in a religiously sensitive manner. Stability, a sense of identity and belonging is important for children.
These children, who have fled from war zone and have been able to escape to safety, are trying to survive without their families in the UK. Children have seen and experience things that no child ever should.
With your help together, we can give those vulnerable children, the support to provide them with a safe environment, a normal life and a better future.
Our aim is to raise 3 million pounds to help innocent children, by providing a warm home, proper care and Islamic education to them. We need your generous help to support our efforts to help children in need. Your every penny will help to transform a child’s life.
We can do nothing without your help.
We can rebuild their lives together. Inshallah (Ameen)
Make a one-time donation or continue your support by becoming a monthly donor.
We have created a fundraising campaign to
help Muslim orphan children.
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How the activities and services are specially designed and delivered to advance the Islamic faith for the public benefit?
Muslim Children Foundation will ensure advancement of religion for the public benefit by promoting the following activities: –
- Teachings on daily basis are: Quran Classes until they finish the holy Quran, Quranic Teachings, Teaching of Prayers, Understanding and learning the basic pillars of Islam I.E Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, pilgrimage to Mecca.
- Provide religious practices training by trained Imams to the Muslim children. This service will also be accessible to the members of General public in the local community.
- Promote the celebration of religious Ceremonies with full freedom to the beneficiaries and members of the local public.
- Spread the principles of a religion by providing adequate knowledge through books available in the in house library and through Teachers available to the children during the course of the day.
- The Organization will raise awareness and understanding of religious beliefs and practices by mental mentoring from the teachers available in the care home and giving them confidence to challenge anyone exploiting their vulnerability at any given point in their early or later life.
A set program covering all the above subjects has been put in place which will be delivered by qualified Teachers which will be spread over a certain period of time making sure that the children are not overloaded with curriculum activities and also it doesn’t cause mental burden to their regular school education.
what the organisation will do to make sure that these children will grow up as useful member of the society?
The organisation aims to assess the individual beneficiaries on their skills and mental capacity levels and create individual profiles with an analytical report of their strengths and weaknesses. A tailored program will be created for every individual aiming at reaching the optimum level of individuals’ physical and mental capacity.
This policy will ensure that upon reaching adulthood, the individual beneficiaries will come out to be a very useful and knowledgeable member of their community who will contribute to the growth and support of their communities, where ever they chose to live. This way the individuals will not only grow up to be self-sufficient adults but would also give a positive contribution to their local communities in eradicating poverty.
What activities does the organisation will promote for the advancement of education for the public benefit?
Muslim Children Foundation aims to provide learning through colleges and universities by signing MOUs’ (Memorandums of Understandings) with various education providers to give access to their funded courses to the residents of this Care home. The organization has already identified colleges that it aims to engage for this purpose and agreement in principle has already been reached.
Support educational establishments, by offering and attending parent-teacher meetings and following up on the points raised in those meetings to address the areas that need improvement.
Provide out of school education groups, for example summer schools and different outdoor activities such as sporting activities, excursion trips to the places of historical and cultural importance etc.
Provide life skills training such as DIY and exploring and optimizing their interests to steer them in the right direction to reach maximum potential.
Provide an in house library and create activities such as reading clubs and writing competitions.
Create associations with organizations of funded distance learning to provide access to the residents of the care home and other children of the local community.
Who is able to access the services and activities the organisation will provide?
Muslim Children Foundation will aim to safeguard the faith of vulnerable orphans who were born into Muslim families and lost their parents while running for freedom from their country of birth due to fear of persecution and are now in the United Kingdom.
The organization will also be accessible to British Muslim Children who have been taken away from their parents by social services for whatever reason and are put into foster care.
What makes you different as an organisation from other charitable organisations?
Muslim Children Foundation is the only charitable organisation in the United Kingdom, offering Muslim Children a secure home to live, with other vulnerable children like them and by keeping them connected to their Islamic roots by providing them with Islamic teachings and practises.
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There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.
Direct Bank Deposit
Bank Name: National Westminster Bank
Account Title : Muslim Children Foundation
Sort Code: 60-06-20
Account No: 31736572
IBAN: GB21NWBK60062031736572
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